April 6, 2024 — by aixxe
Now that preview builds of Windows Server 2025 are available, I finally have the excuse I’ve been looking for to experiment with Windows OS containers and the native Docker Engine port. Neither are new, I’ve just been putting this off for a really long time.
May 12, 2023 — by aixxe
Ever wanted to try out Windows on a virtual private server, but without the additional license fee? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s a guide for installing Windows on KVM-based servers that doesn’t involve dd’ing a shady disk image to your server.
December 28, 2022 — by aixxe
I’ve shown off a load of inline hooks in previous posts but I don’t think I’ve ever done any mid-function hooking on this blog before. Shocking, because there’s a ton of cool stuff you can do with it and, as luck would have it, I recently came across a library that makes both inline and mid-function hooking easier and safer than anything I’ve been using in the past.
December 25, 2017 — by aixxe
This post will cover the initial installation of GitLab Community Edition, configuring Windows & Linux-based job runners and finally, using the built-in continuous integration feature of GitLab to automatically build your project. Sounds like a lot of work but you’d be surprised at how simple the entire process is.
September 17, 2017 — by aixxe
Somehow, despite the eternal procrastination that re-writing one of my larger internal projects has become, I’ve finally managed to make some progress and replace my extremely inefficient method for achieving ‘stream-proof’ visuals with something a lot easier to implement.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Similarly, if we patch the memory of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from kernel space, would that be considered an internal or external hack? Not sure. I know how to do it, though. Do you want to know?
April 23, 2017 — by aixxe
This time we’re diving into the world of tool assisted speedrunning – also known as ‘TASing’. Simply put, the process of creating a speedrun using third-party tools. In this post, we’ll build the core recording & playback logic, add the ability to re-record and finally, replay the recording on a live server.
March 15, 2017 — by aixxe
Welcome back to another instalment of the ‘alternative approaches’ series! This time we’re revisiting one of the fundamentals of internal game hacking on the Source Engine: the CreateInterface function, or more specifically, the underlying list of version strings and pointers that you should be using instead.
February 7, 2017 — by aixxe
As I hastily hacked various code together to get Chameleon NG running on Linux I came across a signature scan that needed replacing. Before I knew it, the solution had gone from pretty bad, to decent, and finally, better than its Windows counterpart.
January 12, 2017 — by aixxe
We're going to take a look at the ever so popular glow outline effect present in various Source games. This has well and truly been done to death but with the most prominent public code being horribly written and the users of it having no idea how it works I thought I'd simplify things and post my own take on it.